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Closing the gender gap and creating a gender equal recovery

WDI summarise the latest research on addressing the gender gap and provide our response to the three key challenges we see organisations facing right now – available as a downloadable pdf.

Did you know that:

– the global value of achieving best-in-region gender-parity improvements by 2030 could lead to $13 trillion of incremental GDP ¹ 

– in 8 growth career sectors identified as the Jobs of Tomorrow women are significantly under-represented in 3 areas ¹² 

The way we work is fundamentally changing for many.  This will either accentuate the gender gap or could be the catalyst for a gender-equal recovery that leads to significant social and economic benefits for all.  

Read our 4 page pdf here where we share data, challenges, and our gender intelligent response to enable progression towards a gender balanced pipeline.

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