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Leading for renewal: Achieving high performance in times of turbulence and change

In our latest WDI Insights report we share our approach to change leadership, and why it’s a critical point for organisations to ensure their people are equipped with the mindset, behaviours and capabilities to create thriving teams through highly disruptive change.


The turbulence of the last two years has triggered a wave of social, environmental and sectoral changes with no sign of abating. In particular, the changing needs and expectations of markets, clients, regulation and people, demand that organisations and leaders continue to renew and pivot at speed.


Furthermore, pace of change and disruption inevitably means that some individuals are living with personal stress and pressures. When combined with business uncertainty, intensified by disruptive factors such as ESG and AI, this can trigger fragility in teams.

Leading for renewal describes the skills and behaviours that create a sustainable inclusive organisation where people thrive and contribute their best.  In the 2-page Insights report; Leading for renewal: Achieving high performance in times of turbulence and change we share:

  • Latest data on the business imperative and value of purposeful organisations who understand that the employee experience drives not only retention and engagement, but also performance and innovation  
  • Our model of health for organisations and key signifiers of team fragility and conversely sustainability
  • The head, heart and gut leadership of effective change
  • The four areas of effective change leadership to use daily.


Our vision at WDI is to harness energy and intention in a way that sparks positive change with individuals, teams and organisations.  We support leaders at key points of business transaction through our behavioural insights and ability to create high trust, connected, purposeful teams.  Our clients achieve sustainable high performance because they’ve learnt how to thrive together.

If you would like to know more about our approach to change leadership and leading for renewal in uncertain times, contact us.

Authors: Clare Russell

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