The situation
Remploy, a strongly mission-driven service organisation was exiting government ownership to become part of the MAXIMUS family. The Chief Executive and her leadership team recognised the need to lead the organisation in a radically different way to sustain and advance their mission through the commercial opportunities now open to them.
The challenge
The organisation needed to rapidly adjust to being 30% employee-owned and 70% by a US service sector giant. At the beginning, the leadership team was unsure of how they needed to change and how they would continue to achieve their profoundly rewarding mission in vastly different circumstances. The leadership needed to engage with and adapt to the majority owner’s clear commercial processes and strong performance culture. Also, co-workers, as part owners, were now asking different questions and developing fresh expectations of their employer.
Having successfully come together to steer the organisation through the process of leaving public ownership, the leadership team needed to embrace the new opportunities opening up to them. They were compelled to engage constructively and positively with the inherent risks, rather than be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the change.
The solution
Over the course of a year, we developed and facilitated three highly experiential workshops, interspersed with personal, one-to-one and team reflection, learning and course correction sessions.
The transformational workshops focused on real work, using head, heart and body intelligence to create lasting change in relationships and breakthrough changes in perspectives on performance, new business opportunities and improved stakeholder relationships. People understoodeach other more deeply and more intimately and real actions were agreed.
The different reflection and learning interventions between the workshops maintained momentum around the agreements and commitments made during the events. One-to-one conversations enabled people to review the effect of the leadership changes they were making and identify next steps. Small and whole team coaching conversations made it easier for the team to reflect together on how they were adapting their ways of working.