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Manager-As-Coach: Build responsive high-performing teams and thriving employee experience

We know that stress, burnout and anxiety levels have increased in organisations.  We also know that a manger’s role is key to creating the conditions for teams and individual team members to thrive.

Maximising employee engagement remains an underutilised strategy for growth, customer retention and innovation. Managers who apply effective coaching skills are better able to disrupt the path to burnout, are tuned in to their teams, and embed collaboration into the foundation of their management strategy

Our latest Insights Report spotlights ‘Manager-As-Coach’ as an important skillset in both supporting team and individual performance. We explore:

  • What employees are telling us about their experiences with their managers and what they identify as must-haves at work today  
  • Data and research highlighting new insights in a changing work landscape
  • Challenges in workplace wellbeing
  • Possibilities to consider and prioritise when implementing team and individual performance solutions.

If you would like to explore what coaching can offer individuals and team culture, get in touch!

Author: Julia Bubrin


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